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What is Pepe 0x69 on base (Pepe) price?

PEPE 0x69 ON BASE (PEPE) price has increased today. The price of PEPE 0x69 ON BASE (PEPE) is $0.086404 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $29,757.26. This represents a 10.74% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 28.05% price increase in the past 7 days.

Is Pepe 0x69 on base (Pepe) outperforming other cryptocurrencies?

With a price increase of 28.10% in the last 7 days, PEPE 0x69 ON BASE (PEPE) is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 9.70%, while outperforming when compared to similar Meme cryptocurrencies which are up 19.40%. PEPE 0x69 ON BASE (PEPE) price has increased today.

What is the trading volume of Pepe 0x69 on base (Pepe)?

The most popular exchange to buy and trade PEPE 0x69 ON BASE is Uniswap V3 (Base), where the most active trading pair PEPE/WETH has a trading volume of $1,205.96 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include Uniswap V2 (Base) and Matcha (Base). What is the daily trading volume of PEPE 0x69 ON BASE (PEPE)?

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